Re-Thinking the Ebola Crisis

Re-Thinking the Ebola Crisis PosterWednesday, January 28, 2015 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
The Smorgasbord | 255, West 7th Ave., Kamloops

You’re invited to join the BC Council for International Cooperation and the Kamloops Global Awareness Network as we come together to explore and re-think ongoing challenges of the West Africa Ebola crisis within a global citizenship perspective.

Questions addressed will include a brief overview of what’s happened so far, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and finally, in a world where we are striving to share the challenges of our global realities, how can we begin thinking in terms of ‘we’ rather than ‘us’ vs. ‘them’, and what would that look like in the context of the current Ebola crisis?


Country Director for Samaritan’s Purse Liberia for the past 10 years, Kendell Kauffeldt has led the Samaritan’s Purse Ebola response since the outbreak began in early 2014, providing leadership in Liberia and from International Headquarters in Boone, North Carolina. Mr.Kauffeldt will be speaking at 6:30pm. A Q&A period will follow his presentation.

ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS: (starting at 6:10pm)

  • Nick Mason, Sponsorship Manager for the We Yone Child Foundation: In a special video message, Nick will talk about the Ebola situation in Sierra Leone and how the We Yone Child Foundation is reacting to the crisis.
  • Jeremy Heighton, Developing World Connections Volunteer Participant: A local leadership speaker and business coach, Jeremy will talk about his time as a volunteer in Sierra Leone last April.


All event proceeds will be donated to BC organizations working on the Ebola crisis. For more information, please email

Eventbrite - Re-Thinking The Ebola Crisis

Cuba Today & The Case of the Cuban 5

Cuban Ambassador to Canada

6:30pm ·  Friday, March 7th, 2014
Irving K. Barber Centre, Thompson Rivers University, 900 McGill Road

Featuring special guests:
• His Excellency, Mr. Julio Garmendia Peña, Cuban Ambassador to Canada
• Mrs. Miraly González González, First Secretary of the Cuban Embassy in Canada and member of the Federation of Cuban Women

Today Cuba continues to stand out as a country that puts the needs of people above profit. Since the victory of the Cuban revolution in 1959, healthcare, education, housing and employment for its people have been a priority of the Cuban government, despite the limited resources available, due to the U.S. blockade of Cuba. Ambassador Peña will be speaking about Cuba today in the context of current international issues, the ongoing U.S. Blockade, the economic changes, and the future of the Cuban revolution. Ambassador Peña has held several diplomatic posts for the Cuban government.

First Secretary of the Cuban Embassy in Canada, Mrs. González will be speaking on the case of the Cuban 5. In 1998, five Cuban men were arrested and imprisoned in Miami, Florida. They were in Miami investigating extremist groups who have committed terrorist actions against Cuba. Mrs. González will be explaining the history of terrorism against Cuba, providing updates on the case of the Cuban 5, and discussing the international campaign for their freedom.

This free event is part of a West Coast tour, from March 5th – 8th, to commemorate the 100th picket action in front of the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver to demand freedom for the Cuban 5. For more info on this series of events and the case of the Cuban 5, please visit

This event is endorsed by the Kamloops & District Labour Council (KDLC). It is co-organized by the TRU Socialist Club and Free the Cuban 5 Committee—Vancouver. For more information, please contact the TRU Socialist Club at or at 250-457-0149.

Istanbul Principles Workshop

Istanbul Principles
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014 
•  5:00pm – 9:00pm
Desert Gardens Community Centre, 540 Seymour Street, Kamloops

You’re invited to join us for an engaging, interactive workshop about the Istanbul Principles on Wednesday, February 19th from 5:00pm – 9:00pm at Desert Gardens Community Centre. These 8 principles are a set of mutually shared values guiding the development work of worldwide non-governmental organizations, otherwise known as civil society organizations (CSOs).

Workshop Description

What is development effectiveness and why do we need it?  Development effectiveness “is promoting sustainable positive change, within a democratic framework, that addresses the causes as well as the symptoms of poverty, inequality and marginalization, through the diversity and complementarity of instruments, policies and actors.” This introductory workshop focuses on understanding the rationale for the Istanbul Principles with a closer look at two principles in particular – using a human rights based approach and developing equitable partnerships.

The workshop is 3 hours long and is designed for people who have experience as development practitioners; however, this event is open to anyone who wishes to learn more about these principles – from students to staff at local NGOs or simply interested individuals.

There will be a break for a complimentary light dinner.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the origins of and the concepts inherent in the 8 Istanbul Principles for Development Effectiveness and why they are important
  • To analyse the deeper implications of:
    • Using the Human Rights Based Approach as a framework for development practice
    • Developing functioning, equitable partnerships (applicable to any partnership) to implement our activities.
  • To identify next steps for participants and the organization they represent to continue their self-directed learning through access to on-line and other resources.
  • If time, to analyse the application of other Istanbul Principles of development effectiveness identified by participants.

The workshop will be participatory using a combination of presentation, discussion, and case study analysis.

Workshop Facilitator

Rosanna Hille is a development practitioner and educator with 29 years experience supporting non-profit organizations to improve their practice in BC, Canada, and internationally.    Rosanna recently completed four years on the Board of the BC Council for International Cooperation as secretary and co-chair.  Rosanna has an M. Ed. in Adult Education from UBC with a focus on community development.

Anyone interested in attending should register online as space is limited to 20 participants. You can RSVP using the Eventbrite link below or by emailing regional coordinator, Sarah Johnstone, at

Eventbrite - Istanbul Principles Workshop for NGOs

Effective Development Resources: